
norisk Group joins MYTY

As of the beginning of July 2021, a new addition has entered the MYTY agency network. The e-commerce agency, norisk Group, is joining as a member of the new agency group, which launched in the DACH region at the end of 2020.

As full-service e-commerce specialists, the norisk Group provides holistic support for online store implementation, as well as integrations of third-party systems such as merchandise management systems, ERP and CRM systems. In addition, the norisk Group has a strong performance-marketing team that takes care of the marketing of online stores in the context of omnichannel projects. The norisk Group is also the strongest OXID agency, with the highest revenues in the DACH region.

With 60 employees across Munich, Nuremberg, and Berlin, the company, led by Christian Elsner and Dominik Haupt, specializes in cross-channel shopping experiences. The norisk Group has successfully implemented 300 e-commerce projects in the fashion and lifestyle sector, in retail as well as chain stores.

The norisk Group also includes the digitaldrang team, which, going forward, will bring additional expertise into the MYTY Group on software-as-a-service (SaaS) products for the e-commerce sector.

“E-commerce represents an important component of our strategy, which is why we are very happy to have gained the norisk Group, a strongly positioned, experienced, and highly specialized player in the field. We look forward to further expanding this area through strategic additions with Christian Elsner and Dominik Haupt’s team,” says David Rost, Managing Partner of MYTY.

Synergies in the group, cross-resource co-working, and exchange between colleagues in large projects - these are real potentials that we can now harness.

Christian Elsner and Dominik Haupt, Managing Directors of the norisk Group

The norisk Group will retain its identity, culture, and operational independence. At the same time, the company will benefit from the expertise and specializations of its sister agencies. INTEGR8, The House, and TRG have made a start, now the norisk Group will follow, and further complementary agency connections are already in the pipeline. The MYTY Group’s long-term goal is to combine all relevant disciplines — from brand strategy, UX & UI design, creative production for classic and digital media,

app- and web-development to BI strategies, data-driven marketing and media buying.

The norisk GmbH joins the MYTY Group and brings its expertise in e-commerce to the broadly positioned agency network. More than 200 employees throughout the DACH region now combine their expertise in strategy, creation, technology, and marketing under the umbrella of MYTY Group AG.

norisk is the leading OXID eSales agency in the DACH region, offering holistic services in the e-commerce sector. This includes the implementation of online stores and their integration into existing merchandise management systems, the automation of processes with real-time interfaces, as well as seamless payment, logistics, and voucher processes right up to the physical space of the point of sale.

MYTY – myty.com
Die MYTY Group AG besteht jetzt aus vier Agenturen in der Schweiz und Deutschland, mit Standorten in Zürich, München, Nürnberg, Düsseldorf und Berlin, vereint über 200 Mitarbeiter*innen und betreut internationale Kunden ganzheitlich für die gestiegenen Anforderungen von Marketing, Kreation und Technologie der digitalen Ära. Gemeinsam erforschen sie die Möglichkeiten von KI und Automatisierung, Echtzeit-Campaigning und dem Erreichen von Zielgruppen über alle Geräte und Kanäle hinweg und stellen sich Herausforderungen wie den wechselnden Launen der Walled Gardens, gesetzlichen Vorgaben wie der DSGVO und dem sich immer wandelnden Zeitgeist von Kund*innen und Verbraucher*innen.

Ufenau Capital Partners – ucp.ch
Ufenau Capital Partners ist eine Schweizer Investorengruppe mit Sitz am Zürichsee. Ufenau Capital Partners fokussiert sich auf Mehrheitsbeteiligungen an Dienstleistungsunternehmen in der Schweiz, Deutschland und Österreich, die in den Bereichen Business Services, Bildung & Lifestyle, Healthcare und Financial Services aktiv sind. Mit einem umfassenden Kreis von namhaften und erfahrenen Industrie Partnern (Eigentümer, CEOs, CFOs) verfolgt Ufenau Capital Partners einen aktiv mehrwertschaffenden Investmentansatz auf Augenhöhe mit den

INTEGR8 – integr8.com
INTEGR8 is a leading digital agency based in Berlin that specializes in combining disciplines of strategy, creation, marketing, and technology to holistically realize projects through an integrated approach.

The House – thehouse.agency
The House was founded at the end of 2010 and positions itself as a modern Swiss communications agency. Its expertise lies in the organic cross-linking of strategies, creation, content & media.

The Reach Group (TRG) – trg.de
The TRG is an agency for digital marketing with a focus on the conception, planning, and implementation of measurable marketing campaigns across the entire marketing funnel — whether in the fields of awareness or performance.


Theresa Huber-Scheiff

Senior Communications Manager